For the republic new vegas
For the republic new vegas

for the republic new vegas

Many hated the Legion because of this and they would flee into the mountains and wage a guerilla war against the Legion by taking out their convoys, killing their troops, and stealing all of their weapons, firearms, vehicles ect. There, all of the tribes were subjugated and forcibly annexed into the Legion while the various towns and settlements were forced to surrender or were destroyed for their defiance. When Edward Sallows founded Caesar's Legion and lead it under the title of Caesar, he began expanding his new slave and militaristic empire and began entering into the territory of former Arizona.

for the republic new vegas

The southwest in 2300: Dark Blue: New California Republic, Tan: New Vegas Union, Orange: Republic of Arizona, Light Blue: Union of the Ute and Navajo Nations, Yellow: Republic of New Mexico, Green: Llano Confederation, Red: Remnants of Caesar's Legion.

For the republic new vegas